
todays topic?


lets discuss.

realization: when i don't ask someone about something right away, i get an idea in my head and it grows. it starts having babies and they're idea-babies grow up and have babies. then the third generation of idea-babies are having babies and i am left with one over-populated, anarchist colony in my brain.

sometimes i even share my ideas and another baby maker jumps in my head to keep the ideas multiplying like over mated rabbits at easter time.

in the end, i'm the one dealing with the consequences of my over active imagination and tendency to jump to the absolute worst conclusion.

moral? stop thinking.

on the other side of thoughts, we have the thoughtless.

i, sadly, am one of the largest impulsees i know. here's a riddle.
girl gets paid $200 on friday. on monday, girl has $42. by the next paycheck, girl is asking mommy dearest and daddy warbucks for some spare cash fer gas.
where did girls money go?
answer: impulsive girl splurges her earnings on serious retail therapy friday night, deciding that she needs a pick me up and a venti *bucks just isn't gonna make the cut.
moral? think.

universe bring me and answer that makes both things disappear in the night, never to return to my small and unorganized brain!
response required.


title means?

reversing my reality. this is a feedback loving blogger, so please leave comments anonymously or as out-and-proud as ellen degeneres, i won't judge you.

my reality has been filled with some shi**y things. there have been amazingly wonderful times don't get me wrong, but more often than not i find myself wandering back to all of the things i wish i could forget.
i don't want to end up like that crazy person we all know that has so much anger towards the people on the block that they don't recognize the obvious beauty of a new flower pushing its face toward the enveloping warmth of the sun--not to get too specific or anything.

i'm trying to write my way out of negativity. that blasted negativity has flown through my veins long enough, i'm turning over a new leaf, and finding something other than nature to use in my analogies.


i am realizing that its a very basic trust that i don't have.
being on time is a simple act of courtesy. i have complete trust in everyone that they will never be on time.
oh the trust-in-humanity i lack.
i like to think of myself as a very punctual person. i am where i say i'll, be when i say i'll be there. if not, i like to send a text message saying it's taking longer. note: i am not perfect, i don't do this all the time, i just like to think i do.
here we bring in the benefit of the doubt; maybe there are car problems, maybe her phone died, maybe the address was faulty, etc...
or maybe this is just how the person is. i don't trust that my time is as important as you think yours is.
the good ol' golden rule once said treat others as you wish to be treated.

does this mean i have cosmic permission to be a bitch?
response required.